Before Your First Visit

  1. Contact your insurance company to discuss your coverage for mental health treatment so you are clear on your benefits and financial responsibility. Below are a list of helpful questions to ask the insurance company when you call. Your clinician will do her best to help you understand the information you gather if you need assistance.
    • Do I have to get a referral from my primary care physician or employee assistance program to receive mental health services?
    • Is there a "preferred list of providers" or specific "network" that I must see? What are my out-of-network benefits if the provider I want to see if not in my "network"?
    • Is there an annual deductible that I pay before the plan pays for a mental health office visit? If so, what is my annual deductible? What amount of my deductible, if any, has been met this year so far?
    • Is there a co-pay I pay for each visit (example: $25/visit) or do I have co-insurance (example: I pay 20% and the plan pays 80%).
    • Are there limits on the number of visits per year? Will my provider have to send reports to the managed care company?
  2. Download and complete all applicable forms.
  3. Write down any questions and/or concerns you have about the information provided on the forms or psychotherapy in general. You can either call your clinician ahead of time with these questions/concerns or bring them with you to be discussed at your initial session.
  4. Take a deep breath! Investing in your mental health is not easy, but we hope that you find it well worth it.